Saturday, September 29, 2012

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ron at the station on the ground, still the hillside dig a few hole in the library covert helicopter. But under heavy gunfire blow, the the hole library's doors is damaged, blocked the hole in the earth and rock rolling down the hill, unable to fly until the end of the battle hiding inside two helicopter. Our army has four 82mm mortars and four 60 mortars, machine down to the mountains, to condescending to Menghong following the Indian Army.
Critical moment when even the upcoming rushed into the valley,jordan shoes 2012, in artillery adjuster greeting, independent 5 'heavy artillery also joined the fire blocked heaven came the H6,order air jordans online, 500 kg bomb laser gun pilots and radar illumination 's guidelines, as long eyes kind of hit the Indian Army command post and artillery fortifications, caused shock or terror is imagined. 2 in connection with a large number of electric beetles and the TJ1 firepower assault vehicles carrying infantry rushed into the valley, and then let the infantry get off according to plan attack to all directions of the Indian Army. Abrupt halt when the deafening roar of bombs and heavy artillery positions on the Indian Army Shihai not adapt our military soldiers in front of all of them transfixed rushed forward, and even surrender are not. The soldiers approached seize their guns, the large Sheng and only then they woke up. Indian Army to resist the gunfire soon became scarce in the morning, the herds captives from around together. 40 minutes to resolve the fighting, no wonder the soldiers shouting The king Major, t

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