Saturday, September 29, 2012

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cise, the Institute of Navy Special Forces of the series fighter.
North Sea Fleet base in July 25
After a long period of technical and tactical drills, determination to defend China's maritime rights and interests. Today ushered in a big happy event, the and landing takeoff and landing of the flight test and some tactical exercises will be completely independently developed by China Q6H and F-17H. Prior to that, I'm on the aircraft carrier, only the localization of the Su-33 is named for the F-11H
?, H is expressed naval special meaning. There shall Anglo-American cooperation in manufacturing Q6H Q6 attack aircraft modification,athletic shoe store, in addition to strengthening the corrosion resistance of the electrical components and some mechanical components can; mainly strengthened landing gear strength, the installation of the tail hook landing, the tail of the fuselage accelerated upward convergence to adapt to skid springboard takeoff; outer wing section can be folded up to save the park area. The electronic the fighter EQ6H made the same transformation. Turboprop or piston propeller aircraft propulsion nacelle always hanging below the wings, because this type of engine maintenance cycle is very short, often dismantled maintenance. Electric propeller motor can be directly embedded in the center of the wing cross section, because to their overhaul interval of at least 12,000 hours or more,customize air max, the air flow generated in the propeller high-speed rotation can symmetrically flow over the wing, to generate considerable lift, which

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