Saturday, September 29, 2012

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Monday, September 10, 2012

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Guests witnessed record, Datong massacre can be found even in the First Historical Archives.
In Sichuan, the Qing, in 1647, publicly notices,nfl cheap jerseys, declared: the whole city to make Tu stay or carcasses male female the Sichuanese *** after they sin all push to kill the little people, Zhang Xianzhong, but also Zhang Xianzhong murder of six million historical lies concocted! according to the research of historians in recent years, Sichuan victims no less than three million, by Zhang Xianzhong killed downtown refining tick waving? 40,000, together with Zhang Xianzhong control region unnatural deaths, only a maximum of 30 to 40 million people. more importantly, start before the massacre of up to ten years in Sichuan in the Qing, Zhang Xianzhong already dead.
Manchu control of the country, in order to blockade the Zheng Chenggong volunteer army, issued a ban on maritime order slaughter of coastal people, do not want to move out of chopped Unforgiven women belongings and took the opportunity to plunder.
Let these massacres from the microscopic point of view:
Ming Dynasty the captaincy chapter Qin minister's wife, Chin, a weak woman, refused to succumb to the despotic power, is with 1000 Daogua dead. Matter, the Department of the famous Qing Dynasty scholar Quan documented risking decapitation dangerous and like gold women's, and far more than the few?
In Nanchang, the Eight Banners Army swept women points to the camp around the clock gang rape (each flag points taken from Diego tease-free days and nights with the operators , since by death, while in the camps are also more than ten million. the Qing notch city before the surrender Han was According to the records of the Local Chronicles Eight Banners Army not only on the rebels killing spree, even petty officials even take refuge in the Qing Dynasty are not spared, wife, mother snatched act as * scribe, and then get the market trafficking!
Qing implementation of Datong massacre, the city only five serious criminal, Manchu sent Datong prefect, a letter Junji, said that since there is no aggrieved party, you can release these five individuals this Memorials has saved in First Historical Archives
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The Holocaust has been carried out from November 24 to December 5. Them regardless of gender and age,fake oakleys, should be brutally killed, they do not say anything else, just say: kill! Kill these rebellious barbarians.
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Siberia of Jichang's father is the famous martial arts hehe but wronged and died quarter priest (quarter calendar). But Siberian easily dare attack, because as the Shang Dynasty, a migraine at western side of China - Zhou Fang, civilization quite backward Zhou bronzes and text are lagging behind in the Shang Dynasty, such as archaeological findings, or even simply blank. Zhou society organizations are somewhat superficial, and the legal system is not perfect, such as those who commit crimes, Siberia let them carrying a wooden plaque, dry on top painting bad pictures, established at the traffic lights, left standing, education past the masses and humiliate himself. reflects the original when the rule of law is not perfect and practices, however, he was later scholars understand the advantages for praise Siberian righteousness Aimin fact,nfl jerseys cheap, reflects its degree of civilization in a state sentence perfect. the same another idiom Siberia as the benevolent government initiatives. fact, these be learning and inheritance, but also come up with the big Zhou Dynasty Shang Dynasty (including providers and joints also have to take things up side to say hello: behead, cut nose, castration, cut Bin tattooed, pot cooking, and so, as no better than it accused of King Zhou). Siberia Jichang in Qishan living ancient house quite primitive, close to Shennong era ruins now, Wage Keng mostly on the ground like mushrooms on the pit branch a few pillars, pillars support from half a Mao cap on the charge house, pit house on top of the pit house leaking below was wet, dry fire or lime to get the ground hard, but the people stay in the pit, not always so cool but Siberia is not live in such a place, he is a ground built table stage erected palace, the palace roof to cover the tile roof outside part of the roof is thatched and mud (watts too much will house pressure to get on the ground). Archaeological watts seems to Siberia only leading the Shang Dynasty place.
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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

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